Friday, February 12, 2010

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!'s that time of year again!

Most of you must be excited that CNY is just around the corner.
I'm sure most of you have done the CNY shopping & looking fwd for the angpow taking session!
It's the time for big reunion where you get to meet old friends & share about things that has been going around in your life!

Have a great CNY & safe journey for all who are travelling back hometown =)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a new year, a new semester, a new beginning....

Dear all,

It must be pretty excited to go back to school, although it means leaving your comfortable hometown and coming back to this hectic city study life!

For some students, it was a 2 months internship experience while some spent 2 months relaxing (a.k.a "shaking legs" at home) or probably travelling around. Others, it was probably only a mere 2 weeks of holiday.

For me, I took 2 weeks off heading back to my hometown. Although it wasn't a little quiet town, but I did had some peaceful moments back home. First few days were great until my nightmare started on the 3rd of 4th day. (Well, I think I don't need to mention further as most of you should know if you are an avid fan of mine in facebook. LOL)

Not to deny, the first week was hell. And of course, I am getting better. Though somehow, I don't know why, I am still feeling bitter on and off, this incident has actually helped me efficiently to clear my stuff out! What a way to put me to "gotong-royong" session in my room = ='''

I'm glad to be back here, back to a place where I enjoy doing things: teaching, catching up with students & friends, studying, planning my activities peacefully. Things are pretty much back on track although some wounds are still there. But, I'm still kicking here!!! LOL

I've met a few of my former students. It was good to meet up with you guys. But, time is moving fast. Everyone is busy with their stuff: studying, rushing for class, paktor-ing...LOL..Well, it's really good that everyone is occupied with a goal in life.

Keep up with any new resolutions you made for this year. Good luck and All the best to everyone :)

Hope that we can have time to catch up with each other at one point of time :)