Tuesday, September 29, 2009

English Week: Quiz Bee

Dear wonderful students,

English week will be held from 7th to 9th October 2009 (which is next week).

There will be a Quiz Bee ("cousin of spelling bee"....LOL).
I will choose students to participate in this event.
Before I start pointing at anyone, please let me know if you are interested.

I'll announce about the time and place when I get the instructions from the Head of Dept.

Please participate.

p/s: former students, you are encouraged to join as well. come n' have fun too :)


  1. i think tat u chosing them yourself is faster.

  2. haha... cos' no one will recommend him/herself??? ~.~
    oh..I think its fun~!! ~~~BEE~~~

  3. no one is going to volunteer to die.
    opss, i mean the quiz bee. XD
    pls dun choose me XD

  4. haha..ya la..no one volunteer so I shall choose them on my own..muahahahaha.....

  5. hooray~finally all test finish...is the time for us to continues our assignment!! ^^

  6. haha.. i went to mac D and get the carlories paper for my assignment need. swt lol~

  7. * WaTeR++MeLoN *: this is student's life...hahaha..busy busy busy...

    Puffy=Teddy: that means u r putting in effort..which is good!!
